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Tips for teachers; how to teach during lock down

During the lock-down there is tremendous stress on teachers, how to engage the students to keep learning using online tools.

Here are some of the tips for teachers which will be helpful to cope up with the online teaching for primary school children.

1. Use online tools like zoom or google meet to schedule the classroom meeting
2. Teach calmly, take no tension as the technology is involved everyone needs time to learn
3. Be in no hurry as the primary students needs time to adapt to technology
4. Teach happily and cheerfully so that the fear of corona virus subsides in the mind of the students
5. Take such points to teach that don’t get time to be taught in regular school time.
6. Keep a daily plan for teaching in different classes.
7. Use ppt’s or videos to teach as it gets the attention of students.
8. Use proper tone , do not shout.
9. Keep your gadgets fully charged for the session

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