What is there for parents in QualCampus ERP for Education
Using QualCampus the Institution can involve Parents in the overall development of the Students
The Parents Login comes with the following provision;
1. Students Attendance Module
To check the Students Attendance, this helps in keeping transparency and in disciplining students
2. Fees
The parent can check the fees paid and the outstanding.
There is a provision for outstanding fees payment online
3. Notices
The parent can check Notices and be-aware of the happenings in the Institute
4. Assignments
The Parent can check what assignment was given and what assignment their ward has submitted
5. Results
The Parent can check the results of the different Unit Tests and Terminal Exams conducted in the College
6. Time Table
The Parent can check the schedule of the subjects being taught on daily basis.
And the start time and the End time of the college can be noted.
7. Quiz
The parents can check what sort of Quiz are being conducted and what is the performance of their ward.
8. Student Diary
The Parent can communicate with the class Teacher or course co-ordinator using Student Diary
9. Parent Meeting
The schedule of Teacher parent meeting its MOM and feedback can be recorded.
Apart from Parent Login thru’ browser, We have Mobile App for the parents which can be downloaded
from google play.