QualCampus Management Team

The team is a right blend of experienced management, technical and administrative personnel. The team is composed of personnel from Universities, Board of Studies, Colleges & Schools. 
The team is in direct touch with the Education experts, ERP Managers from different Universities, Colleges and Schools, so as to implement the latest solutions to the challenges faced by education industry.
Shaikh Manzoor

Shaikh Manzoor

Chief Executive Officer

Shaikh Manzoor is the CEO of the Company.

He has brought in his experiences of work with different types of Companies in India and abroad.

He has also served leading IT infrastructure companies before joining Qualsoft.

He is subject matter expert in Finance and Marketing.

His areas of Interest are Finance, Digital Marketing, CRM, SIS for Universities, Colleges and Schools.

He has done his Masters in Business Administration in Finance.

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Vishal Rathod

Director- Quality Assurance

Vishal Rathod is one of the Director

He brings in 12 years of experience in IT and Software Quality

He is an expert in Biometrics and Software Testing

His areas of Interest are Biometrics, MOOC, LMS & NAAC Accreditation.

He also teaches IT related subject in Colleges.

He has completed his Masters in Science from Gulbarga University.
Shaikh Muzammil

Shaikh Muzammil

Director-Sales & Implementation

Shaikh Muzammil, is responsible for leading the Sales & Implementation team.
He brings more than 15 years of experience. He has led many successful implementations of Qualcampus Education ERP at various Colleges, Schools and Universities across globe.

He is also a subject matter expert who understands education domain and can consult on how technology can improve teaching, accreditation, operations, finance, hr and more

Mr. Muzammil is also served as a Member of Board of Studies at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

He has also served Project Manager for various projects in the Company.

He has a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru College of Engineering, Masters in Project Management from Sikkim Manipal University, Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Computing from C-DAC and Bachelor of Law from Dr. Ambedkar College.

He is a Fitness Enthusiast and loves travelling & reading books.

Vinod Kumar

Vinod Kumar


Vinod Kumar is one of the Director

He brings in 20 years of experience in IT and Software Quality

He is  domain expert Retail and Supply chain management

His area of  Interest is ecommerce..

He has completed his Bachelor in Engineering.

Advisory Board:

Our Management team cordinates with the advisory board  members so as to implement the latest solutions to the challenges faced by education industry.
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Dr. Abhijit N. Banubakode

Member Advisory Board

Dr. Abhijit N. Banubakode is on Advisory Board.

He brings in with over 22 years of Administration, Teaching on (U.G. & P.G. Level), Industrial and Training experience.
He did Ph.D. from Symbiosis International University (SIU), Pune, India on the topic “Study of Query Optimization in Compressed Object-Oriented Database Management Systems (OODBMS)”.

He looks after all the Academic activities falling in line with the AICTE, DTE, FRA and SW in all aspects. Conducts all the C-DAC and MCA programmes according to the CDAC, Mumbai University guidelines. Monitors admission, conducts regular class works, to organize placement activities in coordination with placement Director for MCA and CDAC.
He created an environment for industry institute interaction, coordinated Research and Development activities. He know how to use ERP to maintain discipline among students and staff.
He advice the HODs/Course coordinator and faculty in various academic matters.
He has represented the institute in various State and regional level bodies, societies, councils.
He knows how to implement and use an ERP in educational institutes

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Anurag Nigam

Member Advisory Board

Mr. Anurag Nigam.
He is proponent of free online education movement.

Having worked with IBM, USA and IISc, Bangalore currently he is leading Tanoshige Technologies Pvt Ltd.

As a trainer he regularly conducts session for ISRO, DRDO, Motorola, Telecom Malaysia

He is very passionate about 5G and Semiconductor fabrication.

He is a Youtuber and loves reading books.

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