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QualCampus Education ERP
Roles (Accounts for users)

QualCampus education ERP has 60 plus roles for  University, College and School in built. Using these roles different users can be given different access rights for different modules.
Below is brief for few of the roles of and education 

Accountant Role

Accountant Role

Accountant is able to see and do all the transactions pertaining to Fees and Financial accouting.

Master Admin Role

Admin Role

Admin is able to see and do all the transactions pertaining to Academics and Student Life cycle-SIS.

HRD Role

HRD Role

HR is able to see and do all the transactions pertaining to Employees and their payroll and welfare


Librarian Role

Admin is able to see and do all the transactions pertaining to Academics and Student Life cycle.


Store Admin Role

Store Keeper is able to see and do all the transactions pertaining to Stores

Student Role

Student Role

Student  is able to see and do all the transactions pertaining to Academics and Student Life cycle.

Principal Role

Principal Role

Principal is able to see and check Academics, Exam results, Placement and Alumni engagement and Student Life cycle- SIS.


Trustee-Chairman-President-CEO Role

Trustee is able to see and check Academics, Non Academics, Financial Details, Employee and Faculty performance, Exam results, Placement and Alumni engagement and Student Life cycle- SIS.

Faculty Role

Faculty Role

Faculty is able to see and check Academics, Faculty performance, Exam results, Mentoring & Student Life cycle- SIS.


Non-Teaching Staff Role

Non Teaching Staff is able to see and check  as per their functional area, MOM, Task Manager, Appraisal, Visitor Management


Publications Admin Role

Publication Admin is able to check the publications and the subscribers data.


Counselor Role

Counselor can check the leads coming in  and they can follow-up and nurture the leads. They can run sms and email campaign for prospective students.


Marcom Admin Role

Marcom Admin can check the leads coming in  and they can check the counselors performance. They can run sms and email campaign for recruiting students.


Front Office Admin Role

Front Office Admin is able to check all the incoming and outgoing couriers, parcels, etc. They can coordinate with courier service providers.

Applicant Role

Applicant Role

Applicant can fill in the Admission form and can participate in the admission process. They can book GD, PI and entrance test slots.

GK Role

Gatekeeper Role

Gatekeeper keeps log of all the Visitors and vehicles coming to the campus.

HR Head Role

HR-Head Role

HR Head can monitory the Employee Attendance, Leaves, Performance Appraisals, Payroll and employee welfare activities.

HR Employee Role

HR-Employee Role

HR Employee can do the transactions the Employee Attendance, Performance Appraisals, Payroll and employee welfare activities.

Accountant Role

Accountant Role

Accountant is able to do the Fees related Financial Accounting transactions.

Cheif Accountant Role

Chief Accountant Role

Chief Accountant is able to monitor  the Fees, Financial Accounting transactions and Budget, CapEX and OpEx.


Master Admin Role

MasterAdmin is the technical role which is inchage of giving access persmissions to the users, etc

Facility Management Admin Role

Facility Management-Admin Role

Facility Management Admin is able to Track the assets, maintenance, security services  and vendor contracts 

Sports Admin Role

Sports-Admin Role

Sports Admin can check the purchase cycle  and inventory for Sports. Can create teams and organise tournaments and keep record of awards and trophies and the performance of the students.

CSR Admin Role

CSR-Admin Role

CSR Admin can check the activities pertaining to corporate social responsibilities and the campaigns for social services.

Alumni Admin Role

Alumni-Admin Role

Alumni Admin can check the Alumni details, can involve them for donations , mentoring, placement and other development activities.

Parent Role

Parent Role

Parent is able to monitor the Student and Siblings progress, attendance, fee balances, etc
Parents can also pay the fees online.


Librarian Role

Librarian is able to see and do all the transactions pertaining to Library accessioning, Cataloguing, Serial management, Books Issue return and fines.

Admin Rol

Alumni Role

Alumni can contribute to the intuition with Placement, mentoring, Donations, Lectures, Articles, etc

Audio Video Library Admin

Audio Video Library Admin

Audio-Video Library Admin foresee the operations of  Collection of Videos and Audios and the utilisation by the Students.

CET Admin Role

CET-Admin Role

CET-Admin Role is in charge of the content development team. This role ensures that material required by the faculty is developed on time and is utilized and reused.

Storekeeper Role

Storekeeper Role

Store Keeper is able to see and do all the transactions pertaining to Stores


Store-Admin Role

Store Admin is able to see and do all the transactions pertaining to Stores, Budgeting and Approvals

Placement Admin Role

Placement-Admin Role

Placement-Admin can monitor the placement activities, can approach the companies for internship and final placement.

Security and Maintenance Admin Role

Security & Maintenance Admin Role

Security & Maintenance Admin is incharge of all the Security and the maintenance contracts with the vendors. They can keep record of preventive maintenanceetc.

Cultural Admin Role

Cultural Admin Role

Cultural Admin is incharge of all events and activities.

Scholarship Role

Scholarship Role

Scholarship role is assigned to the person, who is coordinating the scholarship activities with the Student and Government.

Reports Certificate Printing Role

Reports & Certificate Printing Role

The person who is in charge of Printing the Convocation certificates and its issuance and record keeping.

Registrar Role

Registrar Role

Registrar is able to see and check Academics, and Student Life cycle- SIS.

Admin Rol

Admission Role

Admission role looks fater all the activities pertaining to admissions.

HOD Role

HOD Role

HOD is able to see and check Academics and Student Life cycle- SIS.

Exam Coordinator Role

Exam Coordinator Role

Exam Coordinator looks after the activities related to exams and results processing.

KE Admin Role

Student Admin Role

Student Admin looks after the academics and SIS-Student Information System.

Course Coordinator Role

Course Coordinator Role

Course Coordinator looks after the academics and SIS-Student Information System.

HRD Role

Company HR Role

Company HR can interact with placement cell and can give feedback regarding the internship of the students.