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What are the advantages and benefits of Implementing ERP at Educational Institutions ?
Information technology has taken the educational sector by storm, increasing the learning potential of students, empowering teachers with engaging presentation tools, fees collection report for quick decision, individual students progress report and advanced class-management systems with SMS to parents for absent students and multiple reports, information technology have redefined the way educational institutions handle their operations, with centralized ERP brings transparent, quick and quantifiable improvement in the administration and management process of educational institutions.
The educational institution management software includes a set of tools which modernizes the campus along with upgrading the planning and management of processes related to student enrollment, lecture sessions, courses, library, human resource, alumni, etc.
QualCampus the popular school administration software, is a clever piece of software that can make administration of an educational centre far more straight-forward and easy to use.
There are some serious advantages to using a school administration software within schools, universities and other organizations that provide training. Here is a selection of the main ones:
School administration software advantages
#1. A school administration software stores all data and resources in one place safely and securely
#2. The school administration software facilitates better communication as data is available within fraction of second
#3. A school administration software collects helpful data and statistics on a single click
#4. A school administration software creates tech savy image of the school, college or university campus
An education ERP system automates and streamlines all the processes functioning within the boundaries of the institution to significantly improve the effectiveness of allocating and operating academic resources better.
Here are some of the major advantages of implementing ERP at educational institutions.
Data Security
Now a days all the educational institutions like schools, K12 Colleges, Universities handle a wide variety of sensitive information concerning students and their families with family background. It is demand by law also its ethical obligation of administrators and school authorities to take active measures to protect that data or information from irrelated parties and unauthorized disclosure and to be made available as and when needed.
However, keeping track of this manually is quite a tedious task and also need too much space to store the data as hefty registers and paper files are used to maintain the record. For this, you need a robust ERP solution that can automate the process of keeping record and presenting as per need within fraction of second. Any student can come after 10 years or 20 years and can demand any kind of document, at this time the QualCampus plays important role. The data is available on secure server and can be access from any part of world by authorized person or school administrators and can print and handover to person whoever is in need.
QualCampus keeps records of students for the current academic year as well as the alumni since start of school or educational institution, teachers, books, and other resources of single or multiple campuses. The data altogether since beginning of school or educational institution becomes huge and storing these physically on the shelves is never secure and very tiresome job. QualCampus store this enormous amount of information safely and securely with dedicated and safe servers with backup system to preserve the info, which is quite impossible to have if it is stored in files.
Qualsoft Systems Private Limited has over 12 years of experience in providing the school, college , university complete ERP solution, implementation and 24/7 support . With QualSoft’s QualCampus you can experience the power of IT enabled ERP software for your educational just fill in a form here and our experts would get back to you.
Online and Simple Admission Process
As we had experienced the admission process in school, colleges, universities or any other educational institutions is more often complicated and long. Each application consists of many pieces of information about the candidate including their date of birth, marks, specialization, and more minute details. To determine the candidate’s eligibility, you need to check all these records. If the task is done manually, the process becomes extremely time-consuming. However, with the help of an ERP software , this procedure to enroll best-fit students gets simple. The system displays all the necessary components at a single place, which makes them easily accessible to the administrator and thus speeds up the accreditation process as the person has to fill or select from the drop down box.
Online Fee Collection
To some educational institutes the fee is life blood and its fool proof collection process is another essential in any educational institute. Before ERP was introduced, managing the process used to beset the administrators. They need to check each and every payment record of all students to find out what fees have been paid and what are outstanding.
With our Qualcampus ERP system this tiresome manual task has been made easy, hassle-free and less tiring. The software automatically segregates the fees collected under various categories or various heads and also tracks all the components in the fee structure including amounts paid for tuition, admission, book, lab, etc., to help students stay updated about their fee status. Along with this, the software solution also generates automated alerts to ensure students or their parents are notified on time through the appropriate mode of communication through SMS or WhatsApp messages.
Data Management Center
As an Educational institution becomes old, the students data increases with every year and they need to store tremendous amounts of information about students, books, exams schedules, lesson plans, and other data. An ERP solution integrates the whole campus and all the branches in a common system to make the process of data management easy. The software enables sharing of stored data across all departments to keep teachers, staffs, and students updated on important announcements. This way you would have a better control of internal and external communication in your institution and never experience a communication breakdown.
Cost Effective
Everyone is concern about the operating cost of his institution or industry, here comes the cost effective agent for school, colleges and educational institutions, the most prominent advantages of ERP implementation in any sector including educational institutions is its cost-effectiveness. The software help is reduction or cuts down manual laborious tasks involved in the old methods of campus administration such as admission, payroll, fee collections, and others to reduce the number of man-hours, resulted in saving of money. The expenditure spared can be used for imperative educational purposes and time can be used in improving the learning- teaching systems.
QualCampuse is effective and best erp for educational institutions, best and affordable school erp software, financial reports easily available with this school accounting software, the best erp for university management, it is regarded as best education erp software
Quicker Management Decisions
With simple and easy to use Education ERP system easy and quick access to information about students, staff, timetables, examinations, admissions, fees, reporting, and so on. This helps the management to consider and analyze various aspects of the institution faster, leading to growth in planning capabilities. The improved data access also boosts well-informed decision-making through strategic data analysis.
This improves the management and helps in quick decision making as data is available on single click
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