Unified Platform For Universities Colleges and Schools

All Institutes under One Login
QualCampus College management software designed and developed by a class of technical and management professionals after consultations with various colleges heads and educationists exclusively to fulfil each and every need of the colleges. Qualcampus various modules will automate every process of the institute. The software is very user friendly and simple to operate.
Students Information
- Admission form/quick registration
- Roll no & class allocation
- Admission slip
- Bonafide & character certificate
- Transfer/leaving certificate
- Integrated student search engine
- Students attendance/strength chart
- Upload/publish data to website

Fees Management
- User defined fee structure
- Miscellaneous Fees
- Set Fee Installments
- Online Fee Payment
- Manage all types of Fees
Examination & Results
- Minimum and maximum marks master
- Automatic/manual promotions of students
- Provision for automatic application of grace
- Customizable grading system
- Exam time table

HR & Payroll
- Employee’s personal information with unique ID
- Salary details with Pay Scale
- Pay Slip / Salary Certificate
- PF loans and advances & arrears
- Automatic/manual employee attendance & leaves
- Employee search engine
- Manage record of professional Tax / Provident Fund / Income Tax / LIC /TA
Class Information
- Class subject details
- Teacher’s schedule
- Manage class time table
- Manage teachers & subjects
- Provision for off lectures

- Manage all types of scholarship
- Manage application of scholarships
- Track document submitted
- Manage disbursement of scholarship
- Generate claim/grant allotted/quarterly scholarship report
Library Management
- New books purchase with barcode support
- Magazine/periodical subscription & renewal
- Book bank registration
- Student books issue/return record. (with bio-metric sensor interface)
- Employee/staff books issue/return record
- Integrated search engine

Hostel Management
- Students information
- Room allocation
- Manage parent/guest visit
- Student medical information
- Local guardian information
- Hostel daily attendance
- Clothes washing time table