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How Education ERP helps you to mitigate the affects of Covid 19

Covid 19 has disrupted the working of corporate and the educational institutions globally.

If your College, University or School is using good education ERP, then here are the ways to mitigate the affects. Here is how we can mitigate its impact;

  1. Students can be given online session plans and assignments along with learning material
  2. Students can complete the assignments and submit online from their home.
  3. Quiz or mock test can be conducted, wherein we can assess the students grasping of the topics.
  4. Digital Repository can be uploaded with videos and ppts pertaining to different subjects and topics, which can be referred by students
  5. Mobile app with Student diary can be a handy tool to communicate individually with students or parents.


Click here to Schedule a free demo of Education ERP and see how it helps you to overcome the distance in this time of Corona Virus.

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